WSU Clark County Extension

PNW Plants Searchable, categorized images

Oriental Arborvitae

Scientific name: Thuja orientalis 'Aurea Nana'

Type:Evergreen shrubs
Plant Requirements
Zone:6 to 9
Sun:Full to partial sun
Plant Characteristics
Height:6 ft
Width:5 ft
Additional Characteristics



Wildlife value

Description Oriental arborvitae is popular golden-yellow evergreen shrub that is commonly used in a xeriscape garden as it survives well on its own with little or no attention.

Oriental arborvitae, cultivar 'Aurea Nana', is a densely branched shrub that typically grows 6’ tall and perhaps 5’ wide in an ovoid fashion. Older cultivars grew considerably taller, and could eventually form small trees. As a shrub it hosts multiple stems, covered by vertical branchlets consisting of flat arborvitae-like sprays arranged in a parallel fashion around a central core. As this shrub matures the sprays may spread out to the extent that the home gardener will consider tying up the wayward limbs.

Cones form as the shrub matures. At first they are blue-grey in color, but age to a grey color. The scales on the outside of the cones curve back on themselves forming a fleshy hook. Cones can reach a length of 1” in length.

Best suited to sunny locations, this shrub will do well on a host of different soil types. In cultivation it can be grown as a specimen plant, or can be planted together to form a screen or hedge.

None reported.
For assistance, contact Dr. Charles Brun (, (360) 397-6060 5701
Computing and Web Resources, PO Box 6234, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164-6234