WSU Clark County Extension

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Spring Bouquet Laurustinus

Scientific name: Viburnum tinus 'Spring Bouquet'

Type:Evergreen shrubs
Plant Requirements
Zone:8 to 10
Sun:Full to partial sun
Plant Characteristics
Height:4 ft
Width:4 ft
Bloom:Spring flowers
Bloom Time:April to May
Bloom Color:Pink
Additional Characteristics



Wildlife value

Description The cultivar ‘Spring Bouquet’ is a dwarf form Laurestinus which only grows 3’-5’ tall but still retains the beautiful bright pink flowers of the non-dwarfing species.

Spring Bouquet viburnum is a dwarf evergreen species that typically grows 4’-6’ in a dense but upright vase shape. It bears shiny green oblong leaves 2”-3” long, set in an opposite manner.

During the winter months this plant sets large flattened clusters of smaller pink berry-like balls, which remain closed. With the longer days of April these buds open to become reddish-pink and later, fragrant white flowers. The flowers have a honey scent when they are open in the spring.

By June the flowers have dropped their petals to form metallic blue, quarter inch, ovoid berries which later mature to a blue-black color.

Full sun to partial shade. Spring Bouquet makes a fine hedge, screen or foundation plant. As its name implies, it bears stems which can be cut for long lasting floral arrangements.

None reported.
For assistance, contact Dr. Charles Brun (, (360) 397-6060 5701
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