WSU Clark County Extension

PNW Plants Searchable, categorized images

Pacific Dogwood

Scientific name: Cornus nuttallii

Type:Deciduous tree
Plant Requirements
Zone:7 to 9
Sun:Full to partial sun
Plant Characteristics
Height:50 ft
Width:50 ft
Bloom:Showy flowers
Bloom Time:April to June
Bloom Color:White
Additional Characteristics



Wildlife value

Description Northwest native plant enthusiasts enjoy the beautiful spring bloom of the Pacific Dogwood but not the leaf disease which leads to browning and shedding.

This Northwest native deciduous tree can grow to a mature height and width of over 50 feet. It often forms more than 1 stem as the tree develops. It bears 3”-5” elliptical leaves which are deep green in color and slightly shiny. Leaf veins are notable as they appear opposite pairs and curve out and along the leaf in parallel.

Bloom first appears in April and extends into early June. Each flower consists of a greenish center surrounded by six creamy white petal-like, 2” long bracts. Flowers morph into bright red fruit known as drupes, which can enlarge to ½” in length. Local song birds greatly enjoy feeding on the berries.

Pacific dogwood prefers soil that is moist, deep, well-drained soil which is high in organic matter. Once established it does require supplemental irrigation.

The principal disease of Pacific Dogwood is anthracnose which is spread by a foliar fungus which results in leaf spotting and defoliation. If spring weather is wet, there will be a much greater incidence of anthracnose during the summer. While the leaf disease will not kill the tree, it does make it look unattractive.
For assistance, contact Dr. Charles Brun (, (360) 397-6060 5701
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