WSU Clark County Extension

PNW Plants Searchable, categorized images

Dove Tree

Scientific name: Davidia involucrate

Type:Deciduous tree
Plant Requirements
Zone:6 to 9
Sun:Full to partial sun
Plant Characteristics
Height:40 ft
Width:30 ft
Bloom:Showy flowers
Bloom Time:May to June
Bloom Color:White
Additional Characteristics



Wildlife value

Description Dove Tree is a lovely flowering tree best known for its distinct pairs of assymetrical white bracts which hang from the tree resembling large handkerchiefs.

This a deciduous tree which grows typically to 40’ in height (taller on better sites) with a width of up to 30’. When it is young it has a pyramidal shape, while at maturity it has a rounded form.

It bears heart-shaped leaves with either coarse or smooth margins. Leaves are arranged in an alternate fashion and range in length from 2”-6”.

Flowers first form in May and resemble 1” spheres set on the end of 3” long peduncles. Two white bracts (the "dove") surround each pom-pom like flower. The lower bracts can be 3” wide and 6” long while the upper bracts are half that size.

Flowers morph to 1” diameter drupes which ripen in the fall to form ridged, russeted balls. Inside each drupe there may be as many as 10 seeds.

Dove Tree prefers sun to partial shade where it is protected from the wind. It may take up to 10 years before the tree begins to set flowers. Avoid poorly drained ground.

None reported.
For assistance, contact Dr. Charles Brun (, (360) 397-6060 5701
Computing and Web Resources, PO Box 6234, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164-6234