WSU Clark County Extension

PNW Plants Searchable, categorized images

Gold Dust Sweetgum

Scientific name: Liquidambar styraciflua 'Goduzzam'

Type:Deciduous tree
Plant Requirements
Zone:5 to 8
Sun:Full sun
Plant Characteristics
Height:45 ft
Width:30 ft
Additional Characteristics



Wildlife value

Description Gold Dust Sweetgum is a golden variegated selection of the standard Sweetgum. Glossy green leaves look as if they are speckled with gold dust. The green and yellow variegated leaves are very attractive and unique.

This deciduous tree grows to 45’ in height and 30’ in width. Its glossy green leaves are edged and irregularly blotched with warm yellow-green tones that appear to be dusted with flecks of gold dust. The green and yellow leaves are distinctive in color as well as shape, with sharply pointed leaves that lend an interesting texture overall. New growth is splashed with pinkish tones.

Leaves are alternate, simple, star-shaped with 5-7 lobes, 4”-7” inches long.

In the fall leaves morph to a rainbow of colors including pinks, yellows, and burgundy.

Gold Dust Sweetgum has fewer of the messy spiny fruit (syncarps) than found on the regular Sweetgum.

This cultivar does best in full sun on moist, well drained sites. It likes an acid soil and can withstand wet feet. Sweetgums are widely planted in urban areas as they are highly adapted to a wide array of conditions.

None reported.
For assistance, contact Dr. Charles Brun (, (360) 397-6060 5701
Computing and Web Resources, PO Box 6234, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164-6234