WSU Clark County Extension

PNW Plants Searchable, categorized images

Oakleaf Hydrangea

Scientific name: Hydrangea quercifolia

Type:Deciduous shrubs
Plant Requirements
Zone:5 to 9
Sun:Partial shade
Plant Characteristics
Height:7 ft
Width:8 ft
Bloom:Summer flowers
Bloom Time:June to August
Bloom Color:White
Additional Characteristics



Wildlife value

Description Oakleaf Hydragea gets its name from the shape of its beautiful large leaves, which resemble those of northern red oak.

This is a deciduous flowering shrub. Most plants grow to 4’-8’ in height, and can become wider. It spreads by stolons, resulting in a multi-stemmed plant.

Leaves are arranged in an opposite fashion. They are simple and have 3-7 lobes. They are 3"-8" long and about two thirds as wide. While the leaves are dark green during the summer, in the fall they can turn to shades of red, purple or orange.

Flowers form in upright, pyramidal clusters (panicles) of white flowers. The entire cluster can be up to 10” in length. Flowering begins in June and extends through August. As the flowers age they turn pink, then red and finally tan as they enter into fall. There are both single blossom cultivars, as well as double blossom types. The flowers form on the ends of branches.

Unlike bigleaf hydrangea flower color does not vary with soil pH.

All parts of this plant are poisonous.

This plant can tolerate full sun to full shade. Morning sun and afternoon shade is best. Avoid full sun in hot climates. It does very well on moist, organic, fertile soil. If the site is acidic lime should be added to improve plant growth.
The best spot for Oakleaf Hydrangea is a partly shady shrub border or in a woodland gardens underneath large deciduous shade trees.

None reported.
For assistance, contact Dr. Charles Brun (, (360) 397-6060 5701
Computing and Web Resources, PO Box 6234, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164-6234