WSU Clark County Extension

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Golden Nugget Dogwood

Scientific name: Cornus florida 'Golden Nugget'

Type:Deciduous tree
Plant Requirements
Zone:5 to 8
Plant Characteristics
Height:18 ft
Width:18 ft
Bloom:Spring flowers
Bloom Time:May to June
Bloom Color:White
Additional Characteristics



Wildlife value

Description ‘Golden Nugget’ flowering dogwood is prized for its gold leaf variegation, which holds up well in sites with full sun.

As with other flowering dogwood cultivars, ‘Golden Nugget’ forms a low-branching, broadly pyramidal shape. This cultivar may attain a height of 15’-20’ with less of a spread. White flower bracts, resembling button-like clusters, appear in early spring. The unique feature of this particular cultivar is the presence of light green leaves tinged with bronze-gold edging, making it a very nice variegated alternative to the traditional Cornus florida species. Variegation in dogwoods typically results in a less vigorous plant, which may make this cultivar better suited to smaller yards. Bright shiny red fruits form in late summer providing ample food for song birds. Fall foliage is light red before it is shed for the winter. In addition, ‘Golden Nugget’ has light grey bark, which adds to its winter attraction.

Best suited to full sun on rich organic soils. If shaded, this cultivar will revert back to an overall green color.

Dogwood anthracnose does not seem to be a major issue with this cultivar. The best sites for all Cornus florida cultivars are ones that are exposed to good air circulation.
For assistance, contact Dr. Charles Brun (, (360) 397-6060 5701
Computing and Web Resources, PO Box 6234, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164-6234