WSU Clark County Extension

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Osakazuki Japanese Maple

Scientific name: Acer palmatum ‘Osakazuki’

Type:Deciduous tree
Plant Requirements
Zone:5 to 9
Sun:Partial shade
Plant Characteristics
Height:18 ft
Width:18 ft
Bloom:Spring flowers
Bloom Time:May
Bloom Color:Red
Additional Characteristics



Wildlife value

Description Among the standards of the upright Japanese maples, the cultivar ‘Osakazuki’ is well known for its vibrant crimson fall color. This an older cultiver released in the late 1800's.

This is a small deciduous garden tree that matures to a height of 18’ with an equal width. It bears seven-lobed, palmate leaves which are 4” wide. Leaves emerge in the spring bight green and then turn darker in the summer. By the fall the fantastic scarlet color sets in before the leaves are shed for the dormant season. All through the year the leaves appear to be layered on the branch structure.

The deep red flowers are attractive as well. They develop into fruit known as a samara, which are slightly less than 1" across. Seeds from these fruit do not come true to type, thus preventing them from being used for propagation.

Osakazuki Japanese maple prefers sun to partial shade, a well-drained soil, and protection from the winter winds.

Generally does better than other upright Japanese maples in terms of bacterial canker.
For assistance, contact Dr. Charles Brun (, (360) 397-6060 5701
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